Commercial Services
We have considerable experience in the design and project management of large commercial projects across Ireland. This has included projects for use in health care, general office, retail (including garden centre), residential multi-storey apartment blocks, housing developments, hospitality, leisure, education, entertainment and industrial.
Our most recent project includes the current development of a new bar and restaurant project in Cork and a gym in Limerick.
There are essential elements and qualifications required for any scale of commercial projects. This includes Fire Safety Certification, Disability Access Certification and also acting as an Assigned Certifier. JS Design also acts as a consultant to other professional architectural practices who do not have the skills or qualifications required for these applications and roles.
Essential elements are commercial architecture
Fire Safety Certificate
A Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) is essential for any commercial project as it shows compliance with Part B (Fire) of the Building Regulations. It proves to the Local Authority that adequate escape facilities are available to the occupiers of the building. It also ensures that the building is designed to ensure it prevents & limits the spread of fire. For a valid Fire Safety Certificate to be accepted, drawings and a technical report is required which is what JS Design do. We have been undertaking Fire Safety Certificates for the past 18 years across a number of Local Authorities

Disability Access Certificates
Even prior to 1st January 2010, when Disability Access Certificates (DAC) became mandatory, JS Design was involved in upgrading various health care facilities throughout the South West of Ireland in order to provide universal access and use of the buildings. It is now a requirement for all buildings other than dwellings, but including apartments to show compliance with Part M of the Building Regulations. Similar to a FSC, drawings and a technical report needs to be submitted to the Local Authority for approval.

Assigned Certifier
BC(A)R was introduced in 2014 and to be able to undertake this role, a professional must be registered as a Chartered Building Surveyor, Chartered Engineer or Architect. BC(A)R also introduced a ‘Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works’, which needs to be adhered to. The role of an Assigned Certifier is to inspect and co-ordinate the project (inspection and & inspection notification framework) to ensure that all the Building Regulations considered at design stage is implemented during the course of construction.
The Assigned Certifier needs to lodge the drawings, calculations, specification, design certification, builders supervision and certification as well as ancillary certificates by all key parties involved onto the BCMS system. We have been undertaking this role since our return from London in late 2015.